The Saginaw Bay Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA) exists to create and support collaborative invasive species management among federal and state agencies, municipalities, tribes, nonprofits, community organizations and private landowners within 6 counties in the Saginaw Bay Watershed. Partners show their support of the SB-CISMA by signing a non-binding partnership agreement form stating that they will work together as a team to manage invasive species within CISMA boundaries. Invasive plants extend across multiple ownerships and travel over the landscape. For this reason, collaboration and partnerships are essential for effective management. In addition, partnerships can access new sources of funding and increase implementation efficiency. This plan is intended to provide guidance to local government on methods for utilizing available resources and capital on the noxious weed problem regardless of political boundaries. The SB-CISMA promotes invasive species education and outreach, inventory and prevention, and control activities. The Saginaw Bay CISMA covers Arenac, Bay, Huron, Saginaw, Sanilac and Tuscola counties
Arenac Conservation District
Arenac Road Commission
Audubon Great Lakes
Bay County
Bay County 4-H
Bay County Environmental
Bay Soil Conservation District
Cass River Greenway
Chippewa Watershed Conservancy
Consumers Energy
Great Lakes Aquatic Nonindigenous Species Information System (GLANSIS)
Huron Conservation District
Huron County
Huron Pines
Isoco Conservation District
Lone Tree Council
Mershon-Neumann Trout Unlimited Chapter
Michigan Lake and Stream Associations, Inc.
Michigan SeaGrant
Michigan Technological University
Saginaw Basin Land Conservancy
Saginaw Bay RC&D
Saginaw Career Complex Animal and Agricultural Science class
Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe
Saginaw Conservation District
Saginaw County 4-H
Saginaw County Parks
Saginaw Valley State University
Shiawassee River Water Trail Coalition
Six Rivers Land Conservancy
Thomas Township Nature Center and Preserve
Tuscola Conservation District
Tuscola County
United States Fish & Wildlife Service, Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge