The West Michigan Conservation Network, formerly the West Michigan Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA), covers Allegan, Kent, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, Oceana, and Ottawa Counties. This organization is a volunteer organization composed of environmental groups, governmental organizations, non-profit organizations, and private citizens all working together to address invasive species on a local scale. The goal of this group is provide outreach on invasive species and their impacts as well conducting invasive species management on both public and private land.
This project was funded in part with funds from the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program through the Departments of Natural Resources, Environmental Quality, and Agriculture and Rural Development.
Reminder to register for the September 12 #NotMiSpecies webinar. Genes on the move: Understanding red swamp crayfish spread in southeastern #Michigan
Reminder to register for the September 12 NotMiSpecies webinar. Genes on the move: Understanding...
It's crucial for everyone to help protect our lakes from #InvasiveSpecies. 🌊
ICYMI: Over 50 outreach events are happening at boat landings statewide for #AISweek! 🚤
Check out an event and learn how you can make a difference:
#NotMiSpecies #GLAISBlitz