The Michigan departments of Natural Resources, Environmental Quality and Agriculture and Rural Development have awarded the SW x SW Corner Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (SWxSW Corner CISMA) funding to assist with preventing and controlling invasive species.
This project was funded in part with funds from the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program through the Departments of Natural Resources, Environmental Quality, and Agriculture and Rural Development.
Winter is the best time to check trees for hemlock woolly adelgid #HWA #GreatLakes #Michigan #ReportAt > @MidwestInvasive
Winter is the best time to check trees for hemlock woolly adelgid
Register today for the November 20 #NotMiSpecies webinar. Beauty or beast? Tackling invasive Himalayan balsam in the Upper Peninsula
Register today for the November 20 NotMiSpecies webinar. Beauty or beast? Tackling invasive...