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Established in 2019, the GiLLS CISMA is a Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area for the Genesee, Lapeer, Livingston, and Shiawassee counties. This position is supported by the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program. CISMA partnerships can include federal, state, and local government agencies, tribes, non-profit groups, individual homeowners, and various interested groups that manage invasive species (and weeds) in a defined area. This collaborative effort helps to combine resources and knowledge to decrease the threats of these alien species. Through education, outreach efforts, and technical support, CISMAs aim to control or manage the dangers and damages from invasive species. We offer a range of services including information on preventing, identifying, reporting and managing invasive species.

Contact Us

Molly Wozniak
CISMA Coordinator
Ph: 989-324-9721

Upcoming Events